Create links and text to share.

Use our tools to create links and texts from your websites to share your content on social networks or emails.

  • Characters
  • Words
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
Our main free tools are: Online Word Counter and Automatic Link Generation.

Today working online has become more common, many times you find yourself with tasks that you do not know very well how to solve, but technology can help us. Many times we look for solutions or tools, we find programs and applications that want us to pay for their services, although there are free online tools that can make our jobs more attractive and without much effort. Our free tools will make your life so much easier.

Online Word Counter

The word counter is very useful when you want to optimize and determine the frequency and number of words, you can use it in your text documents, sentences, paragraphs, essays, PDF files and in web pages for SEO, etc.

Do you want to know if a publication has the ideal length for each social network? The character limit changes frequently, it is very important to be informed. The amount of characters allowed: Google meta description should be 300 characters, Facebook posts 250 characters and Twitter 140 characters.

Automatic link generation can save you a lot of work on your websites.

Every day we surf the Internet, sometimes we need to share content with our loved ones, especially on social networks. Link Generator is an easy to use online tool to generate personalized, optimized, safe, reliable links in real time and without limits. You can create links for your pages on Blogger, WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social networks.

We know that the time you spend creating content is very valuable to you, we want to make your life easier with our online tool and that you can share what you like the most with just one click.

How does Link Generator work?

Our tool is very easy to use. Just add the link of your website, blog, image, etc. In the box, click the "create link" button. You will immediately get the buttons available for you to share.

Benefits of using Link Generator

Better positioning in the main search engines.

You will get more audience.

By using optimized links, Google can understand the relevance of the URLs you use on your pages. This is very important to reinforce the relevance of your website.

Sometimes platforms like WordPress or Blogger don't support buttons for sharing links; you may need to pay to use these services, this link builder is an easy way to create your custom links and share them on different platforms, all for free. This will significantly increase the chances that your content will reach more people.

Links are very important, they help search engines jump from page to page to crawl faster and make the web easier and identify high-quality content. As for sharing on social networks, they link and direct to our domain, this allows us to gain more notoriety on our pages just as relevant as the rest. These types of links give more value to our website since they access the material in an easier and faster way, this is a suitable marketing strategy that should be used.

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